Category: Leadership
Ethics of Nations
I am planning to write a book series titled Ethics of the Nations on the subject of how every nation has applied fifteen principles written in the United Nations charter and 30 articles of the U.N. Human Rights in their nations since 1945 to bring about increased integrity in the world. The intent of this book series is not only to examine how all nations have applied these UN principles since 1945, but also to arouse interest in developing them further. This book series will be useful in diplomacy, leadership, business, education, military and other security force training to create more understanding of the positive achievements that each nation has made in developing these principles and so inspire more cooperation and respect.
This series is most valuable for diplomacy because the fifteen principles are used to measure the correctness or incorrectness of a decision or action. They give the standards. Additionally, the book series presents all efforts of every nation since 1945 to develop and utilize these fifteen principles, and also gives each nation’s plans to further them in the next few years, so in any diplomacy the efforts of all nations toward the achieving of the fifteen principles can be reviewed in the books to see what the most successful ones were, and these can be suggested as solutions to the nations which are having specific problems in dropping certain principles like peace or justice or cooperation, etc. Points of deliberation and mediation can be better made through accurately seeing what each nation has done and is planning to do in upholding these principles. This information is very helpful in building trust and respect for every nation. Also, when trying to resolve a diplomatic or national problem the books are helpful in gaining ideas from the efforts other nations applied in trying to better uphold the thirty U.N. Human Rights.
Business can use this book series to better grasp the developing values and real efforts of each nation to live the high principles of the United Nations. Businesses will then better appreciate the nations’ standards and history of applied values so that only the highest ethical products and services will be sold or manufactured or agreed upon in any deals. Respect to the nations’ principles will be promoted. For example, no product or computer game or video or film that contains violent thought or images will be part of any business deal out of respect to the nations’ principles.
All senior high schools could use the book series in their ethics classes and in government classes and social studies. This series could also be used in college classes, including business and international studies and leadership courses. A teacher’s guide will be prepared to use the book series.
World militaries will be able to use the books in their training camps and academies to teach the genuine efforts of each country to develop these essential principles in themselves and with other countries. The books would be constantly referred to in each interaction with a nation. Thus a more fair appraisal can be made of the countries.
Police and other security forces can use the books in their training programs to end personal prejudices and help create points of understanding with people of other nationalities. Through these books it is hoped that bigotries, misunderstanding, disinterest and disrespect between nations will be ended. It is also hoped that the book series will bring about involvement of more citizen participation within each nation in developing the principles.
Would you please give copies of this letter to all your leaders who are knowledgable of the efforts their nation has made in developing and future planning for the fifteen principles to be covered in this book series and ask them to answer the questions under each principle in this letter? It is asked that each country also give a vision for the future development of the fifteen principles. This book series is also very beneficial as a review of all nations as to how they are achieving the United Nations intentions and goals as agreed upon by all nations since 1945. Please include the addresses of each organization mentioned under the various efforts to carry out each principle so that readers could participate in some of them to help their purposes, and also for research or studies.
The principles to be presented in the book series are the following.
- Peace
Write about the efforts your nation has made since 1945 to create peace between warring or opposing groups in your own nation, and to help in creat- ing peace between other nations and settling international violence. Also in- clude all efforts to develop and teach peaceful settlements of disputes. At the end of the chapter on Peace, write what your nation plans for the future development of Peace both within your nation and with other nations, including ways your nation will develop the U.N. Peace goals and standards both world wide and within its own borders. - Equality
Write about the efforts your nation has made since 1945 to bring about equal rights in the 30 U.N. Human Rights. Include in this section the efforts any person or organization in your country has carried out to bring about equality between races, colours, nationalities, and religions. Also write about the efforts to bring about equal education and equal job opportunities for all. Also write at the end of the chapter what your nation plans for the future development of greater equality for all using U.N. goals and standards. - Justice
Write about all efforts your nation has made since 1945 to bring about the principle of Justice in all national and international relations and to in- crease the efforts to ensure truthfulness in all media and communications. Justice is not possible without truthfulness. Please include writing on how the principle of Justice is being developed more equitably within your nation and especially in relation to articles 3 through 12 of the U.N. Human Rights Declaration. Then include a section on the plans your nation has for development of greater Justice for all based on the U.N. goals and standards for all nations. - Respect
Write about those efforts by organizations and leaders in your nation since 1945 to bring about respect among all people and other nations. Also write cultural efforts made to increase respect among all–such as which films and television and computer video programs were created to bring out greater attitudes of respect for different races, religions, philosophies and politics. Also write what organizations were formed which engendered respect for the elderly and for disabled. Include a description of the best school programs that were designed to increase respect among the students for different types of people and of different religions, philosophies, politics and ideologies. At the end of the chapter include a section on the plans your nation has for the development of the principle of Respect according to goals and standards set by the U.N. for all nations. - Progress
Please write what leadership and organizations did in your nation to bring about the principle of Progress through the development of the Human Rights articles 22 through 30. These include economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for the dignity and free development of each individual’s personalty; ending of all poverty, homelessness and lack of medical services; creation of educational programs nationwide and worldwide which are directed to the full development of the human personality and the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, promoting understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups and furthering the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace; developing the possibilities of everyone to participate in the cultural life of the community to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits; and the development of a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights can be fully realized. At the end of this chapter of your nations efforts include a plan of your nation to further the principle of Progress based on the development of U.N. articles 22 through 30. - Tolerance
Please write what leadership in your nation and organizations did do to develop the principle of Tolerance in your own nation and also among other nations. Include efforts made to carry out the U.N. Human Rights articles 18 through 20 which encompass the idea of Tolerance. Then at the end of the chapter include your nation’s plans for further developing the principle of Tolerance in your nation and between nations, especially according to cooperative efforts with the United Nation’s goals in this. - Unity
What did leadership and organizations do since 1945 to develop the principle of Unity within your own nation and also among other nations? Also what did they do to advance the social and international order of the United Nations as set forth in the U.N. article 28 as a means of unitedly achieving these great Principles? At the end of the chapter please include your nation’s plans for developing more Unity in your nation and with other nations, especially along United Nation’s plans. - Common Consent
What did leadership and organizations do in your nation since 1945 to develop the principle of Common Consent in making decisions and policies within your nation and between nations? Also, what efforts have they done to develop U.N. article 21, sections 1, 2 and 3? - Cooperation
What efforts since 1945 have leaders and organizations made in your nation and with other nations to bring about the principle of Cooperation with increase in human integrity, values and improvement in living conditions for all? To what degree has the United Nations Charter and Universal Declaration of Human Rights been taught in your nation’s schools and in the militaries and security forces? At the end of the chapter include a section on the plans your nation has for future development of the principle of Cooperation, especially along the lines of the United Nations goals. - Harmony
Since 1945 what efforts have been made by leaders and organizations in your nation to bring about the principle of Harmony between groups and cultures and nations? (Harmony always carries a high purpose and plan that is for the welfare of all, and it involves the developing of positivity enabling people to work well together.) - Non-forcefulness
What efforts since 1945 have been successfully carried out by leaders and organizations in your nation to bring about the principle of Non- forcefulness both within the security forces and political policies of your nation and also in relation to other nations? How has Non-forcefulness been promoted within your nation culturally through such efforts as computer games and films and documentaries promoting non-forcefulness, and organized efforts to alert the public about the dangerous links between increased criminal behavior and increased playing of violent computer games, and also watching of violent television, films, and plays, and listen ing to music that promotes violence, promoting and selling toys that en courage forceful or violent thinking and behavior, and organizations that support civilian weaponry? At the end of the chapter write what plans your nation is making for the development of principle of Non-forcefulness, especially in cooperation with the United Nations goals. - Freedom
Since 1945 what efforts have been successfully made by leaders and organizations which help ensure true freedom of thought, speech, creativity, practice of ones own religion and philosophy and freedom to vote within any party without being harmed or killed for it, and freedom to travel without limitations, and freedom to work at any job one is qualified for and freedom to marry interracially without censure. Please write how your nation has developed the freedoms given in the U.N. 30 Human Rights. In the ending of the chapter write what your nation has planned for the further development of freedom especially in relation to the United Nations goals. - Security
What efforts since 1945 have been carried out by leaders and organizations in your nation which work to ensure that your nation and no other nation is invaded aggressively and that armed forces shall not be used save in the common interest as written in the Charter of the United Nations? Please write what the future plans are for the further development of the principle of Security especially in cooperation with the goals of the United Nations. - Disarmament
What efforts have leaders and organizations in your country made since 1945 toward disarmament in cooperation with other nations and in cooperation with the U.N. efforts and to limit space warfare because of the extreme danger it presents to humanity? At the end of the chapter please write what our nation’s plans are for the future of disarmament especially along the lines of the United Nations. - Spirit of Brotherhood
(as defined by Article 1 of the U.N. Human Rights) Since 1945 what efforts have leaders and organizations made in your country in developing trustworthiness in all relations with other countries and groups? Also what efforts to develop the conscience of true brotherhood in relations with all the different types of races, religions, and political groups has your nation and its security forces carried out? What plans does your nation have to develop the spirit of brotherhood for the future in cooperation with U.N. goals?
Each book in this series, Ethics of the Nations, will be on 5 countries and each country will be given up to 300 double spaced pages on the 15 principles to submit. (Each country will then have 150 single spaced pages in the printed books). The author reserves the right to verify any information if it is questioned as to its accuracy.
The books will sell one per month like the book of the month club, at very reasonable prices, so that people in all nations can afford them, or they can be purchased all together in a set of 40 books.
If you have any questions please contact me at the email address at the top of the letter. The time frame suggested for the information to be mailed to me is two months. My deep appreciation for your joining in this great labor.
Alexandra Thompson
Daily Pledge
This pledge is for every Nation and every citizen in every organization, and even in schools and families at the beginning of each day. This ethically repolarizes the thought, decisionmaking, service and relationships with all, thus increasing intelligence and averting crime.
1. I will always defend the truth, speak the truth and reveal the truth.
2. I will always accept responsibilty for my mistakes and repair them rightly.
3. I will always serve the common welfare and uphold the rights of all people.